
Email verification on Account registration

In this article, we will cover on how to verify user’s email and activate the user account once they click on the account activation link sent in the email. So let's start... Step 1: Create new Model and Migration for verification We will be creating a new table in our database which will hold the verification token that is appended in the URL and sent to the users. Let’s begin by generating the required Model and Migration file. php artisan make:model VerifyUser -m The make:model command will create a new Model VerifyUser   in the \App directory and -m  flag will create a new migration file associated with the  VerifyUser  model with the table name verify_users. Now we can modify our  verify_users migration file like this. public function up() {     Schema::create('verify_users', function (Blueprint $table) {         $table->integer('user_id');         $table->string('token'); ...

How to install Laravel in Ubuntu

Learn how to install Laravel in Ubuntu. It doesn't matter which version of Laravel you are using, just follow along. We are going to use the LEMP stack instead of LAMP stack. LEMP stands for L inux E ngine-X (Nginx) M ySQL P HP It's up to you to decide whether to use LAMP stack or LEMP stack because it doesn't make a difference to Laravel application. I prefer to use LEMP stack (Nginx) because it seems to be the preferred stack among the Laravel community. Anyway, Apache will work fine if you prefer to use Apache.  If you are having a confusion whether to use Apache or Nginx and it wouldn't make any difference for you then you could use Nginx.  Note: as a side note, you will see me using the term sudo in front of many of the commands in this tutorial. Sudo stands for “super-user do” and tells our computer to do whatever we are asking as the super user. The super user is basically the admin. Step 1: Uninstall pre-installed Apache server from your system ...

RealTime Chat Application using Laravel 5.5

Learn how to build a real-time chat application using Laravel 5.5. In this series, I am going to use Laravel echo, Pusher js , Vue js and Bulma  (optional). In the last video of this series, I am using Loadash for finding whether a user is online or not. So make sure you have not removed Loadash while creating a new project if you are going to do the same way as I did. There is always a GitHub repository for my series and for this series click here to go that page. You should refer to Laravel Documentation for better understanding, for more examples and for finding different ways of doing something other than from what I have taught you. Refer  here  for a better understanding of broadcasting and using of channels. Also, you can find the difference between a private channel and a presence channel with few examples. This series includes following videos Introduction Installation Friends Chat with Friends Broadcast Online Users Correcting Common Mi...

Top 8 Atom Packages that a Developer should have

Atom is a text editor that's modern, approachable, yet hackable to the core—a tool you can customize to do anything but also use productively without ever touching a config file. It is a modern editor created by GitHub. It is quite a common editor nowadays. And we all are working in it the old way. It's time to change. There are a lot of packages that could help you while developing some super important website. These packages which I listed below could help you a lot. Packages that I have shown you in this video Emmet File icons Highlight selected linter Atom material Pigments Minimap Terminal

RealTime Notification system using Laravel 5.5

Learn how to build RealTime Notification system using Laravel 5.5. In this series, I am going to use Laravel Echo, Pusher js and Vue js. Laravel provides support for sending notifications across a variety of delivery channels, including mail, SMS (via Nexmo), and Slack. Notifications may also be stored in a database so they may be displayed in your web interface. You should refer to  Laravel Documentation  for better understanding, for more examples and for finding different ways of doing something other than from what I have taught you. This series includes the following videos Installation Notification Broadcasting Correcting Common Mistakes made by Users Inside  .env  file, check whether you have changed  BROADCAST_DRIVER=log  to  BROADCAST_DRIVER=pusher  Inside  app.php  file inside the config folder, check whether you have uncommented  App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class,  Don't forg...

How to install Laravel 5.5 in Windows 10

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller architectural pattern.  This is a short and easy tutorial to install Laravel 5.5 for beginners. Step 1: Instal Xampp and Composer Now we can start the installation. First of all, we need to install Php. Luckily Xampp comes with PHP and other stuff which we require for this installation like MySQL and Apache server. So, we can download Xampp first. Go to  and make sure you download the latest version of Xampp (check whether it includes the latest version of PHP). Once you have downloaded it install it in your favourite directory. Next, we need to install Composer. Go to  and click on 'Composer-Setup.exe', this will automatically start the download. Once you have downloaded it you need to install it inside the Xamp...

Freely host laravel website using hostinger

It's a common question that How to freely host laravel website for testing purpose. We all know that there are a ton of free hosting website but we can't find a perfect one for our purpose and easy.  So, hostinger is one of the best free hosting website in the web. In this video I will be teaching you how to freely host laravel website using hosting Hostinger is easy, free and ad-free Advantages of using Hostinger: No ads or banners easy and fast secure and available 24*7 Web Builder inside it Free Database