How to install Laravel in Ubuntu
Learn how to install Laravel in Ubuntu. It doesn't matter which version of Laravel you are using, just follow along. We are going to use the LEMP stack instead of LAMP stack. LEMP stands for L inux E ngine-X (Nginx) M ySQL P HP It's up to you to decide whether to use LAMP stack or LEMP stack because it doesn't make a difference to Laravel application. I prefer to use LEMP stack (Nginx) because it seems to be the preferred stack among the Laravel community. Anyway, Apache will work fine if you prefer to use Apache. If you are having a confusion whether to use Apache or Nginx and it wouldn't make any difference for you then you could use Nginx. Note: as a side note, you will see me using the term sudo in front of many of the commands in this tutorial. Sudo stands for “super-user do” and tells our computer to do whatever we are asking as the super user. The super user is basically the admin. Step 1: Uninstall pre-installed Apache server from your system ...