
Showing posts from September, 2017

RealTime Notification system using Laravel 5.5

Learn how to build RealTime Notification system using Laravel 5.5. In this series, I am going to use Laravel Echo, Pusher js and Vue js. Laravel provides support for sending notifications across a variety of delivery channels, including mail, SMS (via Nexmo), and Slack. Notifications may also be stored in a database so they may be displayed in your web interface. You should refer to  Laravel Documentation  for better understanding, for more examples and for finding different ways of doing something other than from what I have taught you. This series includes the following videos Installation Notification Broadcasting Correcting Common Mistakes made by Users Inside  .env  file, check whether you have changed  BROADCAST_DRIVER=log  to  BROADCAST_DRIVER=pusher  Inside  app.php  file inside the config folder, check whether you have uncommented  App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class,  Don't forg...

How to install Laravel 5.5 in Windows 10

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller architectural pattern.  This is a short and easy tutorial to install Laravel 5.5 for beginners. Step 1: Instal Xampp and Composer Now we can start the installation. First of all, we need to install Php. Luckily Xampp comes with PHP and other stuff which we require for this installation like MySQL and Apache server. So, we can download Xampp first. Go to  and make sure you download the latest version of Xampp (check whether it includes the latest version of PHP). Once you have downloaded it install it in your favourite directory. Next, we need to install Composer. Go to  and click on 'Composer-Setup.exe', this will automatically start the download. Once you have downloaded it you need to install it inside the Xamp...